get off your high horse idiom meaning

get off your high horse meaning

get off your high horse

idiom meaning


stop talking as if you are better than someone or something


➣ Mani is never going to make friends here until she gets off her high horse and stops acting like she knows more than all of us.

➣ Dev thought he was too good for the job. "Get off your high horse," his father told him.

➣ Would you get off your high horse and talk to me?

➣ I won't deal with you until you get off your high horse and stop patronizing me.

Keep learning: grin from ear to ear

Synonyms & Antonyms for high horse


arrogance, bumptiousness, haughtiness, loftiness, imperiousness, lordliness, masterfulness, peremptoriness, pomposity, pompousness, presumptuousness, pretension, pretentiousness, superciliousness, superiority


modesty, humility, unpretentiousness, unassumingness

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