Courteous Definition & Meaning
Definition & Meaning
(adj.) | Pronunciation - ˈkɜː.ti.əs
polite and showing respect
Courteous in a sentence
- Although he often disagreed with me, he was always courteous.
- She was a kind and courteous woman.
- The ticket clerk was courteous and helpful.
- My friend's reply was courteous but firm.
Keep learning: Ennui means
polite, civil, respectful, genteel, gracious, mannerly, well-bred
rude, impolite, discourteous, ill-bred, ill-mannered, inconsiderate, mannerless, uncivil, ungenteel, ungracious, unmannered, unmannerly
Derived forms
courteously (adverb)
He's always behaved courteously toward my family.
courteousness (noun)
The courteousness of the staff was very impressive.
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